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XR Nights Returns with: Nature Meets Technology

Copyright 2024 Freyja Sewell All rights reserved.

日頃よりLULL TECH BEACH(以下、LTB)をご利用いただき、ありがとうございます。

5月30日(木)に行われました『XR Nights Returns with: Nature Meets Technology』 についてご紹介します!数年ぶりにカムバックしました「VR / AR / MR」 にスポットライトを当てたミートアップです!

今回は、私が参加しましたXR Returns with: Nature Meets Technologyは、満席で当日を迎えた大人気イベントです!待望のカムバックとなったイベントの様子をご紹介します!

English ver.の記事も下にあるので、ぜひご覧ください。
The English version of the article is also below, so please take a look.


  • 「XR Returns with: Nature Meets Technology」について
  • イベント紹介
  • 「Peatix」とは?
  • 今回のイベントの目玉「XR 」とは!?
  • Freyja Sewellさんによる講演
  • xRを体験した参加者の反応
  • 「Peatix」のイベントに参加していませんか?

■「XR Returns with: Nature Meets Technology」について



②Freyja Sewellさんによる講演


XR Nights (VR Hub Tokyo) は、VR、AR、XR の専門家、愛好家、クリエイター間のコラボレーションを促進し、新しい機会を開き、興味深いプロジェクトをまとめ、知識と経験を共有することに専念するグループです。


・Peatix のシニア エンジニアリング マネージャー Juliusz Fedyk
・FutureStandard のプロダクト デザイナー Leonard Burton
・人類と地球の繁栄のために自然の知識を応用するバイオフィリック デジタル デザイナー Freyja Sewell



イベントを行う主催者は、イベントページの作成が直感的に行えるため、初めての方も簡単に利用できます。また、日本語を含む複数の言語に対応しているため、国際的なイベントにも適しています。今回のイベントも、Freyja Sewellさんの講演やその後のQ&Aは、オールイングリッシュでした!


■今回のイベントの目玉「xR 」とは!?

続いて、今回のイベントのテーマであった「XR」について詳しくご紹介しましょう。xR(Extended Reality)とは、ずばり現実世界と仮想世界を組み合わせた新しい体験を提供する技術の総称です。


VR(仮想現実)は、HMDやコントローラーを用いて完全にコンピューター生成の仮想環境に没入する技術で、例としてOculus RiftやHTC Viveがあります。

AR(拡張現実)は、スマートフォンやタブレットを通じて現実世界にデジタル情報を重ねる技術で、Pokémon GOやGoogle Glassが例です。

MR(複合現実)は、現実と仮想をリアルタイムで統合し、相互作用が可能な技術で、Microsoft HoloLens 2がその代表です。これらはxR(Extended Reality)の一部です。



■Freyja Sewellさんによる講演

イベント前半部分の講演会では、「Freyja Sewell」というデザイナーさんが登場しました!彼女の作品「Hush」がとても注目を浴びてるのでご存知の方も多いことでしょう。彼女のデザインは、自然とテクノロジーが絶妙に融合していて、とても神秘的です。そんな彼女は、自然との調和を大切にしていることが強く伝わってきました。




xR(Extended Reality)技術を使って、東京にいながら海の景色を体験しました。仮想現実の海中では、泡がまるで本物のようにリアルで、泳ぐ操作をすると上下に自由に移動できました。サメなどの海の生き物も現れ、その大きさに圧倒されます。特に、巨大なサメとの遭遇はスリリングで、まるで本当に海の中にいるような感覚でした。この体験を通じて、現実では味わえない海中の世界を安全かつ手軽に楽しむことができ、xR技術の可能性を強く感じました。


私も実際に両方の世界を体験してきました。操作の仕方も教えていただき、すぐに慣れることができました!しかし、私に限ったことですが、実際にその世界に入り込みすぎて、体を大きく動かしすぎてしまいました(汗 それぐらいリアルな世界が体験できます!


「XR Returns with: Nature Meets Technology」は大盛況で再開されました!Freyja Sewellさんの講演を始め、参加者はリアルな海中や世界遺産を体験し、xR技術の可能性を実感しました。Peatixが主催するこのイベントでは、初心者でも簡単に参加でき、次回の開催も期待されています。ぜひこの機会に参加し、仮想と現実が融合する新しい体験を楽しんでください!

~English ver.~

XR Returns with: Nature Meets Technology

Thank you for using LULL TECH BEACH (LTB).

I’m Ko-chan, one of the event staff.

I’d like to introduce “XR Nights Returns with: Nature Meets Technology” held on Thursday, May 30th! This is a meetup organized by Peatix that puts the spotlight on “VR / AR / MR”, which is making a comeback after a few years!

This time, I participated in Peatix’s (hereafter, titles omitted) XR Returns with: Nature Meets Technology, a hugely popular event that was fully booked on the day! I’d like to introduce the long-awaited comeback event!

[Table of Contents]

  • About “XR Returns with: Nature Meets Technology”
  • What is “Peatix”?
  • What is the highlight of this event, “XR”!?
  • Lecture by Freyja Sewell
  • Reactions of participants who experienced xR
  • Have you participated in a “Peatix” event?

■About “XR Returns with: Nature Meets Technology”

This event was a relaunch of an XR event that was held about two years ago. Because it was such a long-awaited event, it quickly filled up and the day was very lively. It will be held regularly in the future, so if you’re interested, please come along!

The event schedule for the day was as follows.

①Event introduction

②Lecture by Freyja Sewell

~Working in harmony between nature and technology~

③Open Social Rising

④Event closing


XR Nights (VR Hub Tokyo) is a group dedicated to facilitate collaboration between VR, AR and XR professionals, enthusiasts and creatives opening new opportunities, helping strap together interesting projects and sharing knowledge and experience.

You can find them on:




The people behind the meetups are:

Juliusz Fedyk Senior Engineering Manager at Peatix,
Leonard Burton Product Designer at FutureStandard,
Freyja Sewell: Biophilic digital designer, applying the knowledge of nature for human and planetary flourishing.


The organizers of the meetup have been introduced to us by Peatix,a platform for creating, managing, and selling tickets for events online. It provides convenient tools for both event organizers and participants, and supports the efficiency and success of event management!

Event organizers can intuitively create event pages, so even first-time users can easily use it. It also supports multiple languages, including Japanese, making it suitable for international events. Freyja Sewell’s lecture and the subsequent Q&A were all in English for this event as well!

The events held on Peatix are diverse. Peatix holds educational events such as seminars and workshops, concerts and live shows, community events, and business events almost every day. Why not check out the events that interest you?

■What is the highlight of this event, “xR”?

Next, let’s take a closer look at the theme of this event, “XR.” xR (Extended Reality) is a general term for technologies that provide new experiences by combining the real world and the virtual world.

We will introduce three main types of xR in detail. We will introduce three types: VR, AR, and MR!

VR (Virtual Reality) is a technology that uses an HMD and controller to completely immerse you in a computer-generated virtual environment. Examples include Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

AR (Augmented Reality) is a technology that overlays digital information on the real world through a smartphone or tablet. Examples include Pokémon GO and Google Glass.

MR (Mixed Reality) is a technology that integrates reality and virtuality in real time and allows interaction. Microsoft HoloLens 2 is a representative example. These are part of xR (Extended Reality).

xR technology is being applied in many fields. In the entertainment industry, it is used to create new experiences in games and movies, and in the medical field, it is used for surgery simulations and rehabilitation support. xR is also used in a wide range of industries, including education, manufacturing, and real estate.

xR is a field that is expanding more and more as technology evolves. Its possibilities are endless, so we have high expectations for its future development!

■Lecture by Freyja Sewell

In the lecture in the first half of the event, a designer named “Freyja Sewell” appeared! Many people may know her because her work “Hush” has attracted a lot of attention. Her designs are a perfect blend of nature and technology, and are very mysterious. It was clear to see that she values ​​harmony with nature.

She spoke in detail about her latest work “Pooka”. It is a multiplayer VR theater experience! Participants can immerse themselves in a realistic natural environment and experience a story in a virtual space with other participants. Pooka aims to provide a unique world where nature and reality are fused together, allowing people to feel a connection with nature. It was a very exciting initiative that will be essential in the future.

■Reactions of participants who experienced xR

In the second half of the event, we had a booth where you could actually experience xR! Here are some comments from the participants.

Using xR (Extended Reality) technology, I was able to experience the ocean scenery while in Tokyo. In the virtual reality underwater world, the bubbles were as realistic as the real thing, and I was able to move up and down freely by swimming. Sea creatures such as sharks also appeared, and I was overwhelmed by their size. In particular, the encounter with a huge shark was thrilling, and I felt as if I was really in the ocean. Through this experience, I was able to safely and easily enjoy the underwater world that I could not experience in reality, and I strongly felt the potential of xR technology.

I also experienced World Heritage sites overseas. I was able to experience various places. The colorful scenery spread out before me, and the changes in the sun over time were realistically reproduced. The difference in elevation was also realistic, and the depth of the cliffs was so frightening that I couldn’t help but feel fear. I was able to feel the grandeur and beauty of the “faults” of Meteora in Greece right in front of my eyes, and it was so immersive that I felt as if I was there! xR technology is a new way to experience the beautiful scenery and historical places of the world in real life without going to the place.

I have actually experienced both worlds. I was taught how to operate the controls and was able to get used to it right away! However, this was just me, but I ended up getting too immersed in the world and moving my body too much (sweat) That’s how realistic the worlds are!

■Have you participated in a Peatix event?

“XR Returns with: Nature Meets Technology” has returned with great success! Starting with Freyja Sewell’s lecture, participants experienced a realistic underwater world and World Heritage sites, realizing the potential of xR technology. This event, organized by Peatix, is easy for beginners to participate in, and we are looking forward to the next event. Please take this opportunity to participate and enjoy a new experience where virtual and reality come together!